Your presence is the perfect gift - where gifts will be provided, cash gifts will be preferred on the day.
Can I get a discount for the hotel?
Yes - discount code is available for 15% in the Hotel Discount tab.
Financial issues?
Please message us directly and we will help you where possible.
Do I need to stay in the resort?
No there are plenty of hotels available close by, a quick Google search will provide options. Flick us a message if you need any assistance.
Do I need a Passport or Visa?
Passport = Yes*
Visa = No
* Please double check that your passports do not expire within 6 months of travelling, please apply as soon as possible as there is a minimum 6 weeks wait.
What airlines fly to Fiji?
Qantas, Jetstar, Virgin or Fiji Airways.
How can I get to Outrigger for the wedding if I am staying elsewhere?
Let us know as soon as possible and we will organise a transfer.